Here we are, a week out from Groundhog Day. I was supposed to write this for that day, but it kind of got away from me, so we're going to repeat.
It is often said that we must learn from history or we are doomed to repeat it. But I ask you, who writes the history?
The victors, right? History is always written by the winning side, from their perspective.
But I would take a position that even the villain in a story believes he/she is correct and doing the right thing. So do the losers of a battle. They must believe that their fight is the one that is right and just. They aren't strong enough to prove it though.
History is always one of those things that has two or more sides. Once time has passed, who is to say if that history is the true history or one built on lies. This is a fundamental point in the Sacred Knight series. A lot of what Steigan "knows" in the first book may or may not be true. That's what the reader will discover in the following books. Steigan himself will be doomed to repeat the past if he can't change it. If you've read book one and are waiting for book two, then I know this sentence has left you salivating! :) Mean author! Yes, I will say that book two is about Saint Steigan's life, but do you know what you think you know? Mawhahaha!
I love my evil laugh! I'm sure that like Groundhog Day, it will repeat again, and again. It's such a paradox. We'll just have to see if Steigan and Saint Steigan can ever escape their paradox. Or will it forever be Groundhog Day on his world?
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